Saturday 18 January 2014



Sivalayaottam is a traditional custom practiced by "Shaivaties" (Devotees of Lord Shiva), in South-Kerala during MahaShivaratri. Devotees visits 12 Shiva temples in the southern tip of India, Kanyakumari. These temples are-

1. Tirumala

2. Tikkurissi

3. Triparappu

4. Tirunanthikara

5. Tiruponmana

6. Tripannipakam

7. Tiruneelakandam

8. Tirumelakodu

9. Tiruvidaykodu

10. Tiruvithamkodu

11. Tripannikodu

12. Tirunattalam

There is an interesting story behind Sivalayaottam. One which happened in the Mahabharath era.
It all started when the Pandavas decided to arrange a Yaga in their sacred yard. Dharmaputra, being the eldest, invited all the Saints and Rishis of the country including the Siva devotee sage Vyakrapada. But he ignored the invitation. Bhima learning this felt humiliated and he consulted Lord Krishna for a solution. Lord Krishna ordered Bhima to bring Vyakrapada to the yaga by himself. Not knowing of Vyakrapada's real power, Bhima thought this was an easy task. When he visited Vyakrapada's ashram, Bhima saw him outside meditating. Bhima shouted, but the sage didn't move. Bhima carried on with him disturbance until he felt burning. Bhima found out that this was Vyakrapada's super power. Bhima fled to Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna said that Bhima should solve this problem but he will not hesitate to help and then Krishna gave Bhima 12 Sivalingas and told him to move on.
Bhima once again entered Vyakrapada's ashram and started disturbing his meditation. But this time, Vyakrapada became more violent and decided to chase Bhima down. Bhima started running. When he was exhausted he put down a Sivalinga. Being a Sivadevotee, Vyakrapada forgot about Bhima and started doing puja on the Sivalinga. Bhima used this time to catch up his breath. When Vyakrapada finished his prayers, Bhima started running. When he was exhausted again, he put down the second Sivalinga and Vyakrapada started to do puja on it again. This carried out until Bhima ran out of Sivalinga and Vyakrapada was just inches away from killing him. But just then, Hari and Haran came as one. It was both Vishnu and Siva. At that moment Bhima realised that his God Vishnu is Siva and Vyakrapada realisedthat Siva is Vishnu. They both understood that all Gods are one. Vyakrapada forgives Bhima and Vishnu and attended the yaga and Bhima forgives Vyakrapada for disturbing him when he was worshiping Siva.
Legends says that the Sivalingas present at those 12 temples are the ones put down by Bhima. Thats not all, near the 12th temple, there is a Vishnu temple indicating his appearance with Siva at the last moment.

~~Ram Dubey

Friday 10 January 2014

points proves love of Lord Ram for Sita

Now we come to the Second Allegation on Lord Shri Ram i.e., Sita Abandonment: No matter which way one looks, Ram was NEVER a bad husband.

Ram is blamed for disowning Sita, when she was pregnant. It is alleged that he did this to appease his public.


The following points proves love of Lord Ram for Sita:

1) When Ram married Sita, the first thing he did was to vow that unlike others in that age and time, he will remain steadfastly a One-woman-Man.  Never will be set his eyes on anyone and never will be marry anyone.

2) When Prince Ram left his Kingdom to go live in the forest to fulfill his fathers commitment, the King Dashrath didn't send his choicest goodies for his pleasure.  His life – and that of Sita and Lakshman – who had joined him out of their own volition despite Ram's protests.

Sita Abandonment Anyhow
The logic of the populace was that while Ram's character of single-woman devotion would bind the men, the taking away of Sita by Ravan on his lap and she remaining there with him for one year was to impact the women negatively if they weren't held accountable for integrity.

That was the argument of the populace.  Ram, however, didn't have even an iota of doubt or malice.

The main reason of Abandonment was Sita came to know all these things through her detectives and she was upset because Lord Shri Ram was targeted without any fault. Now she remembered as Ram had promised Sita whatever she wished he will fulfill it, she expressed her deepest desire to once again go and stay with the people and animals in the forest the way they had done during their exile.  Ram had at that time, prior to the knowledge of subjects' discontent, said that he would make sure her wishes are followed.

All through the entire time that Sita was away, he didn't sleep properly. He used to sleep on earth without bed, in the same way as Sita lived in forest. Ram lived minimally, and wouldn't entertain any woman's thought other than Sita's.  It was obvious that Ram suffered a lot in himself as well which no one knows.

Now I expect everyone to feel sorry for their allegations reading the facts here.


Wednesday 1 January 2014

Engage your mind

Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, offer obeisances and worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me.

-Lord Shri Krishna in Bhagavad Gita (chapter 9 verse 34)

Life can be full of joy and SATISFACTION

As human
we all want to be happy and free from misery.
We have learned that the key
to happiness is inner peace.
The greatest obstacles to
inner peace are disturbing emotions
such as anger, attachment, fear and suspicion,
while love and compassion and
a sense of universal responsibility are
the sources of peace and happiness.
Sometimes you just have to make peace
with your past in
order to keep your
future from becoming
a constant battle.
You can have
peace of mind,
Improved health and
an ever – increasing flow of energy.
Life can be full of joy and
This is my peace massage in one sentence:
This is the way of peace……..
Over come evil with good,
And falsehood with truth,
And hatred with love.